Averaging initial base readings
1. Introduction
guide details the method for averaging multiple base readings for a
borehole. It is recommended that at least 3 borehole runs are initially
taken for a new borehole these can then be averaged using the In-Site
software for a more accurate base reading.
2. Averaging Multiple Base Readings in In-Site
Start the In-Site software and open your project database.
Right click on the borehole you want to average the readings for. Select 'Make A New Averaging Survey' (see Figure 1)
Right click on the borehole you want to average the readings for. Select 'Make A New Averaging Survey' (see Figure 1)
Figure 1. Make A New Averaging Survey
Select the readings you would like to average and click 'Generate' (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Select 'Generate'
The averaged reading will appear in the list of readings dated the same as the first borehole run. The runs used for the average will still be in the list and can be removed.
Tip: If borehole runs are averaged and none of them are the first reading set, the generated file will still be dated as the initial reading. The date can then be changed if creating an initial reading is not the purpose of the average.