Recon - Backing up your database, copying new In-Port files and reinstalling or repairing In-Port

1. Backing up your survey setup
Re-Installing the In_Port software onto the field PC will overwrite the pervious installation of In_Port and replace your database with a new blank database.
If you wish to save the original database which contains your defined site names and boreholes, it must be backed up as described below.
Soil Instruments recommend regularly performing a backup of the database as a precautionary measure.

Connect the field PC to your PC.
The PC will recognise a device and configure the computer to enable the user to browse the field PC.

The configuration and software used to browse the field PC may vary depending on your computers setup. Windows Vista and above has a built in interface. Windows predating Vista, XP will require active sync to be installed (See knowledge base "Unable to connect my Field PC to my PC" for further information).

Once the field PC has successfully connected to the PC navigate to the field PC ‘Storage Card’.
Locate the file named ‘Inport_DB2.sdf’ Please copy this file to your PC.

You have now successfully backed up the In-Port database containing all your survey setup. You can now disconnect the field PC from the PC.

2. Copying new In_Port files to the field PC 
If you wish to upgrade to the latest version of In_Port please copy the files supplied by Soil Instruments onto your field PC storage card.

Download the ‘Recon field PC In-port Software' at the bottom of the article.
Extract the contents of this file to a location on your PC.

As an end result you will be left with two files, ‘’, ‘’ and a folder named ‘Localisation Files’
Connect the field PC to your PC.
The PC will recognise a device and configure the computer to enable the user to browse the field PC.
Once the field PC has successfully connected to the PC. Navigate to the field PC ‘Storage Card’.
Copy the following files and folder to the field PC storage card. 
'Localisation Files’.

If you receive a message asking for confirmation to overwrite existing file select OK.
Then disconnect the field PC from the PC.

3. Re-installing or repairing In_Port 
This process will install a new copy of the In_Port software onto the field PC. This will over write any original software and create a new empty database on the PDA’s storage card. If you wish to save the original database with your defined site names and boreholes, it must be backed up as described in section 4 above.
‘Sqlce30.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB’ and ‘In_Port.CAB’ must be on the ‘Storage Card’ to complete an installation.  If these files are not present or you suspect they need replacing please follow section 2 above.

Connect the field PC to your PC.
The PC will recognise a device and configure the computer to enable the user to browse the field PC.
Once the field PC has successfully connected to the PC. Navigate to the PDA’s ‘Storage Card’.
Select Sqlce30.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB’ to start its installation.
If a previous version of SQL Mobile 2005 is installed the user will receive a confirmation message to re-install. Select OK.
The installation will continue and you will be asked if you wish to install SQL Mobile 2005 to the ‘device’ or ‘storage card’ select ‘device’.
Once the installation is complete, the field PC states it requires a restart. The field PC will request the user to confirm the restart. Select OK.

The field PC will restart. SQL Mobile 2005 installation is now complete. Please navigate back to the ‘Storage Card’ to continue.
Select ‘ to start its installation.
If a previous version of In_Port is installed the user will receive a confirmation message to re-install. Select OK.
The installation will continue and you will be asked if you wish to install In_Port to the ‘device’ or ‘storage card’ Select ‘device’.
Once the installation is complete, the field PC will display a confirmation message. Select OK.
In_Port is now successfully installed on your field PC. If there is a previous database which needs to be restored please continue to the next step. If not please go to section 7. 

If restoring a database you will require to have the original backup file available on the PC to which the field PC will be connected.
Connect the field PC to your PC
The PC will recognise a device and configure the computer to enable the user to browse the field PC.
Once the field PC has successfully connected to the PC. Navigate to the field PC ‘Storage Card’.
Please locate the backed up database file ‘DB_Inport2.sdf’ on the PC.
Copy and paste the backed up ‘DB_Inport2.sdf’ file to the storage card.
You will receive a message asking for confirmation to overwrite existing file. Select OK.
The original database has now been restored.