Error Message 25046
1. Introduction
Error message 25046 can appear in In-Port, Tilt-Port, and HPG-Port. It is commonly related to the In-Port database being missing and can be caused by a number of reasons.
TIP: The removable storage card is referenced differently on different Field PCs, it is distinguished by a tiny card icon on the folder name. For this knowledgebase, we will use 'SD Card'
2. Fixing The Error
Navigate to the SD card of the Field PC. If there is a file with the .sdf file extension please submit aticket with the Soil Instruments support team. If there is no file with the .sdf file extension there are two ways to fix this error, you can re-install the software or you can use a backup of your database.
TIP: Please search our knowledgebase articles for the latest version of the software required and additional instructions on installing the software.
3. Re-install the software
To re-install the software please use the below simple guide.
Turn on the Field PC and allow it to load.
Navigate to the File Explorer on the Field PC.
From the drop-down menu select 'SD Card'.
Once within the SD Card, you will find all your software installation files, this will be a .CAB file.
Select the '.CAB' to run the installation.
Proceed with installing the software to the 'Device', rather than the SD Card.
With the installation complete you will have a fresh database and the error will be resolved. A new database will require you to re-input all site and borehole data.
4. Copy a backup onto your Field PC
To copy a backup of your ".sdf" onto your Field PC please use the below simple guide.
Connect your field PC or Storage card to your main PC where the backup is saved.
Open the SD Card via File Explorer.
Copy your backed-up .sdf and save it over the corrupt file.
TIP: We recommend regularly backing up your In-Port database file to ensure if any such error does occur you can restore it to a previous database. Please search our knowledgebase articles for instructions on backing up your database