In-Site software giving unexpected depths for readings

1. Introduction
This article looks at the reasons behind and how to resolve the issue of unexpected depths appearing when importing readings into In-Site.

2. How this will appear in In-Site
If you are receiving the unexpected reading depths in In-Site they will commonly look like that seen in Figure 1. In this figure due to the regional settings in the field PC they have been multiplied by a factor of 10. This can commonly happen if the regional settings have been changed, the reason being that different regional settings change the punctuation used in the RPP file, which in turn are interpreted differently by In-Site. Commonly these files will only import if other files for the boreholes have previously imported prior to the regional settings being changed. If none have been imported before the regional settings have been changed then you will receive a different error message '13 type mismatch' and the import will not be completed.

Figure 1. Example of anomalous depths
3. How to resolve this issue
If this issue does occur and you have readings that are not importing correctly we recommend firstly that you submit a ticket to the support site. This should include the database from the field PC, the database from In-Site and the RPP files that you are attempting to import to In-Site. A technical support member can then look at rectifying the problem for you.

After doing this you will also need to restore the regional settings to English (United Kingdom). To do this please follow the instructions below.

Setting the Regional Settings

    On the field PC desktop, select the following
    System (tab menu)
    Regional Settings (scroll down to find)
    Use the drop down menu to select ‘English (United Kingdom)’. Click ‘ok’

‘English (United Kingdom)’ is required to be set for software compatibility. The PDA will require restarting for changed to take effect. Once this has been completed all future readings should import into In-Site without issue.