Moving In-Site data between groups
1. Introduction
guide details the method for moving Inclinometer runs between In-Site
groups. Having boreholes in the same group allows you to compare them
and create deflection graphs, as well as serving to keep your In-Site
database well organised. By default, runs are organised by their site
name and borehole name, which can be configured in In-Port, this means
that any data taken using the same site and borehole in In-Port will be
grouped together by default when imported into In-Site.
2. Moving Data In In-Site
move the data, please follow the procedure given below. For this
example, I shall be moving the second data set from Hole 1 to Hole 2.
First, I select the data set I wish to move and click the Edit/Add
button, this opens a second window which allows me to edit various
entries of the borehole data. I then click the drop down arrow at the
top to bring up a list of available groups.

select the group I want to move the data to and click the Ok button, I
now see that the data I moved has in fact been copied and I have two
identical data sets, one in the old location and another in the new one.

remove the duplicate data set from the old location, I select it and
click the Delete button, this removes the selected data set and leaves
the copy unaffected, I now have the same two data sets I did at the
beginning, but they are now in different locations.

at the time of writing, there is no way to move multiple data sets at
the same time, this procedure must be followed for each data set you
wish to move.