Stack Overflow Exception
1. Introduction
stack overflow exception may occur when opening the In-Port software in
your field PC, this is usually an issue with the Bluetooth connection
between the Inclinometer and field PC, it can be caused by a number of
2. Solution
solve this issue, you should first turn off your Inclinometer. On the
field PC, you will need to navigate to the Bluetooth settings menu, for
Archer 2 field PCs, this is done by going to Settings, then Connections,
then Bluetooth.
At the top of this screen, navigate to COM Ports and
delete the serial number relating to your unit.
Next, navigate to
Devices in the same screen and delete the same number.
Archer and Recon field PCs, the Bluetooth menu can be found at the home
screen, click on this, then in the bottom right corner will be a
selection for Bluetooth Manager. In this screen you will again need to
navigate to COM ports and delete the serial number for your
Inclinometer. Navigate to the Devices menu and delete the serial number
relating to you Inclinometer.
this step has been completed, you must now reconnect your field PC and
Inclinometer. To do this, switch your Inclinometer on and press the Add
New Device button, select your serial number once it appears, set up a
passcode if you wish, but it is not necessary. If you choose not to, the
menu will still not allow you to advance without entering a passcode on
the next screen, if you chose not to have a passcode simply enter 0 and
press next. Now you will need to navigate to the COM Ports menu and
select New Outgoing Port, select the serial number of the Inclinometer
you have and navigate the menu, for Archer 2 field PCs select COM9, for
Archers and Recons select COM8, untick Secure Connection.
these steps completed, you should be able to use In-Port.