Water Sampler User Guide

1. Introduction

The Water Sampler is a system designed to take samples of water from a desired depth and is used in many investigative applications. The sampler comprises a sampling cylinder, nylon tubing, reel, pressure gauge and an air pump. A measuring tape will also be required to lower the probe to the correct depth.

2. Operation

Switch the unit on at the reel and use the pump to apply a pressure greater than the expected pressure at the desired depth, for this, we assume that 1 bar is equal to 10m H20. For example, if you wanted to sample at 30m depth, you would expect the pressure to be 3 bar, and you would set the pressure of the sampler to 3.5 bar.

Connect the measuring tape to the probe via the clip and lower the probe to the desired sample depth, using the measuring tape as a guide. Switch the unit off at the reel and disconnect the pump to relieve pressure in the system and wait approximately 30 seconds for the sampler to fill up.

Switch the unit on at the reel, reconnect the pump and return the unit to the original pressure. Pull the probe out of the hole and remove any water from the exterior of the probe.

Place the tip of the probe into a water container and switch the unit off at the reel. Using a small pin, push the probe nose inwards to break the seal and drain the contents of the probe into the container. Check the contents of the container, you should have approximately 0.5 litres of water sample.